Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Getting Back...

How many times does this happen... Derailment followed by getting back on the wagon. But, I have to say that getting back into the swing of things feels so so good!

I figured out that my body does not like running two days in a row. I've finally run 3 times in a week with NO pain. You have no idea what a blessing that feels like right now. (Well, maybe you do.) :)

So, I've scrapped the 1/2 marathon, and I'm using the next 3 weeks to get in tri mode. Good thing, since there's a tri scheduled on 4/22. Don't worry, Karen, I'll be there. It might be ugly (small fields make me nervous...), but I'll get there.

Lessee, in other news, I got the stitches taken out of my finger. I'll post pics if you want... let me know. I was also just recently certified to substitute teach... and since I can't get fingerprinted for the FBI clearance yet, it looks like I'll be going to the city first. GAH! Should be interesting, to say the least, folks!


Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Awesome news on the running front! Three runs a week is a lot of running. Good luck with the tri training and the substitute teaching thing.

Brent Buckner said...

Good news all 'round - nice!

Benson said...

OH yeah! tri mode sounds good. stitches and scars are way cool. bog close up pics please.

Andy Emerson said...

Great to read you are back! Your first tri of the season will be fine! Just remember it is the first and you have the whole season to get to where you want to be.

The Fool said...

Adjustments are the result of reasonable expectations. You have made good adjustments.

Enjoy the races, enjoy the training!


Kewl Nitrox said...

Good to hear your training schedule is working out. Have fun teaching!

Robin said...

Yeah, post'em. Why not? Good going with your running. YEAH!

No Wetsuit Girl said...

Oh please, oh please, oh please no photos of your stitches! They'll make me squirm!!!

Since you've figured out that your body won't permit 2 consecutive days of running, probably your time off was more worth it than if you'd been training that whole time. Lesson learned, now get back out there!