Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Okay, folks, here we go.

Some of you asked what I am doing now. Well, it seems that now is a terrible time to find a teaching job, so I've returned to a restuarant that I used to work for. It's fine dining, so lots of time dealing with semi-normal ppl, making lots of money, recovering from grad school trauma.

So far all of those things are happening. As it turns out it is also an endurance sport. I've been working doubles out the ass, so basically there is no time to:
pay bills
do laundry
make laundry
work out (except at work)
call loved ones
christmas shop

Today was my only day off this week until Saturday evening. Monday and Tuesday were doubles (meaning working from 10am to 1am, no break, no time to eat, barely time to pee). I am getting to be very good at multitasking (ever the triathlete). Today, I tried to change my phone number, tried to get my license, finished my x-mas shopping, did my laundry, made christmas cookies, got the mail (!), oh, went to the bank to deposit the most cash I've ever held, and um, folded said laundry. And ate two meals more than I usually do.

The good news? I've lost 12 pounds since Thanksgiving. Okay, okay. That's not really that good, but I can't remember the last time I saw that number. I now make more in a day than I weigh!

So, this is the challenge. 2 doubles under my belt so far. 3 more to go through Saturday. Let's see if I can do it (and stay sane). :) Let's see how much more weight I lose before New Years!

And hopefully, hope hope hopefully, I will find my gym after 1/2, after the freakin holidays are over!

To make it more fun through the next couple days, I'm going to have a guest/ghost blogger for the next few days. She's going to be updating you on my "condition." Join me for the ride! I, more than anyone, cannot freakin' wait until Christmas is here!

Hope you all are well! See you in a few...


Habeela said...

Whew! Sounds exhausting! Hang in there...3 days..can't wait to see how it goes.

And how exciting about the weight! I wish my last 12 lbs would melt off that easily. Clearly I need to change professions!

Robin said...

Uh--my post just disappeared while i was writing it...I think there IS a ghost in your blog! he he. I LOPVE waitressing. Seriously. I did it for a year after I came back from London post-college grauaution. Girl, you keep doin' those doubles and your will have great arms, legs and completely tone up! MERRY CHRISTMAS and let's chat after teh New Year--and compare T-man training plans. I have nothing official yet--just some ideas in my head! Thank goodness they're just ideas and not voices.