Thursday, February 01, 2007

Race Plan?

Well, it's finally coming to fruition... The ever looming race plan. For once, I let it go until the end of January... Kind of freakish actually.

Workouts are going well. Still struggling a bit with PF, but icing and stretching seem to be keeping it at bay. Doesn't help that my uber nice gel inserts I use for work POPPED the other night. Gah. Suckers are supposed to be guaranteed for life or some such nonsense.

So, to be fair, I only know of three races so far. The others depend on timing (i.e. How fast can I run to make it in time to be in a friend's wedding... Probably not that fast, eh?)

4/22 - Tri for Kid's Sake (Sprint)
4/29 - Runners' World Half Marathon (was my first, for you long time readers...)
8/19 - Timberman Half Ironman

There will likely be some olys thrown in there... maybe a few other running races. For now, I'm trying to tame my bread eating (it's the only thing at work that satiates the hunger), and focusing on toning this new body. Thankfully the weight loss has stabilized!

Hope you are all doing well, and that your builds are going smashingly!


rocketpants said...

nice schedule!! best of luck with the the way we still need to catch up :-)

take care

The Fool said...

As long as SOMETHING is on the schedule, it'll keep you moving!

Timberman alone would do it for me!

Keep at it 'sis.