Monday, March 19, 2007

i can't win

short one here... mainly b/c typing is at a minimum...

i managed to slice well into my left index finger yesterday afternoon...

5 stitches and a few darvocet later... i'd like my break now, please!


Joe B said...


Fortunately, you don't need your finger to run or bike on a trainer... :)

Get well soon.

The Fool said...

Oooo.... You poor girl!

We must remember to keep sharp objects away from you!

It will throb, (like you didn't know that) but it will get better!

Robin said...


get the knife away from her, i say!! now!

Seriously, hope you heal up real soon!

rocketpants said...

noooo! That sucks so bad!I'm sorry to hear that...get better soon!

Bolder said...


that's gotta hurt. hope it heals up soon...

no running with scissors!!

Brent Buckner said...

Ouch. Heal up.

KLN said...

Heal quickly, and let this be the end!

Happy Spring!