Sunday, March 25, 2007

What am I doing?

Ugh. Not a good time, right now. And, I hate it. It's spring time, things are supposed to be getting better.

I'm job hunting. It feels hopeless.

I'm not working out. At. all. Haven't for 2 weeks. Don't feel like it.

I don't want to get out of bed.

It will get better, I know. It has too.

But in the meantime, I'm watching my race schedule get shorter and shorter. The 1/2 Mary is not going to happen. Wow. At this rate, I'm not going to be racing at all this summer.


Brent Buckner said...

Best wishes for taking care of yourself.

The Fool said...

Take care of the 'life' stuff first 'Zil. You can't work out and feel focused if you are stressed about other life stuff. Work especially is one of THE most stressful things you can have in your life.

1/2 mary? Forgotten. You've been there, you can always do another. There are lots more out there.

Maybe you need more yoga and meditation than running or biking right now.

Take care sis, and yes it WILL get better!

Kewl Nitrox said...

Oh dear, hope you get out of that runt soon. You can't keep a good Triathlete down!

Hope that finger is betta too.

Andy Emerson said...

Time for you to refocus and maybe just go for one small goal at a time. Nothing long-term right now. It sounds like the #1 think you need to worry about is a new job and that is a big thing. It is tough, but hang in there.

Joe B said...

Not to worry. It is totally normal. You have lots of time. Relax for another week and we can build from there.

Danielle said...

I know all those feelings and I feel your pain, but hang in there, this too shall pass. As you said, it's spring...time for change and rebirth!