Sunday, March 04, 2007

Interesting Night

Whew, what a night. I honestly felt like I jumped down the rabbit hole tonight. It's amazing what too much alcohol and stupidity will do to a person. Thankfully, I was sober. Boy, ppl can be dumb. I had to actually yell at a good friend. I hate doing that. I'm already feeling old.

But it gave me pause enough to think about what I'm doing with this 1/2 marathon coming up. Thanks, Joe, for your words. It can still be done. I think that's what I needed. A little hope.

I realized that I need to be kinder to my body. I met my goals for last week. I got to bed almost every night by midnight and got up (spontaneously the past two days!) at 8:15-8:30. It's good to have that back under control.

Eating is ehhh. Better, though. I'm back into my mode of eating only what I take to work, so that's a great start.

I also realized that I need to have a fluid schedule, seeing as my work hours change day to day. So, I mapped out a strategy for this coming week. We'll see how it pans out.

So, I'm going to follow Crackhead's strategy and set up some managable goals for this coming week:
  • In bed by 12. Up at 8:15 - 8:30.
  • Follow a flexible schedule. Rest days when I work 12-15 hour shifts (duh).
  • Focus on good eating habits.
  • Get excited about my time goal (and figure out what that is).
I think that's good for now. I have a lot of other things going on right now, so I'll keep it simple.

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