Sunday, May 07, 2006

Pics from Quabbin!

Here we go! Finally pics of my beloved Quabbin.
As you can see the trail is IDEAL for future trail runs :)

A pretty stream...

Quabbin Summit Tower...

Part of the reservoir...

Me through a tree... (with Mr. Spidey on my nose!)

These walls are throughout the entire Quabbin...

Might have been old pasture markers.

Now, this was COOL. Before this picture, the trees (up on the hill) were disiduous... No pine trees. Then all of a sudden this beautiful (young) pine forest began.

It was like walking through gauze... An enchanted forest.

Anyone interested in the history on the Quabbin can go here...or here...It's a pretty neat story! If you've ever read Steven King's Dream Catcher, it's the site of the last horrific (fiction) scene. :)


Born To Endure said...

Whoa, beautiful pics..but..then you scared me...looks like the Blair witch project out there...just kidding!! :-)

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

What a beautiful place! Who wouldn't want to hike out there?

Cliff said...

You skip Church?..that's blasphemist.. :)...I never understand why Tri races all on Sun :-D...

I skipped Sun School and went biking with some Church is too good not to go. And of course, the Fellowship is always nice.

SRR said...

Cool Pics!

Chris said...

That *does* look like some beautiful country for some trail runs! A place to just go out and forget about everything else going on in the world. Just perfect.